Chinese Culture: The 24 Solar Terms in China-3
Today, we are going to continue our brief introduction of Chinese 24 Solar Terms. Yesterday was one of the 24 solar terms-the Beginning of Autumn. It often appeared at Aug.7,8 or 9 each year.
The following are the six solar terms for autumn.
# 1 the Beginning of Autumn
Aug.7,8 or 9

# 2 the End of Heat
Aug.22,23 or 24

# 3 White Dew
Sep.7,8 or 9

# 4 the Autumn Equinox
Sep.22,23 or 24

# 5 Cold Dew
Oct.8 or 9

# 6 Frost's Descent
Oct.23 or 24

Next time, I will share other 6 solar terms of winter for you. See you next time.
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